Thursday, September 19, 2013

Adventure Begun!

For North East Middle School students and teachers, a new adventure has begun for the 2013-14 school year.  They have embarked on a Trout in the Classroom project.  This project is headed by the PA Trout in the Classroom movement by partners PA Council of Trout Unlimited and PA Fish and Boat Commission.  Schools throughout the Commonwealth have the opportunity to raise native brook trout within their schools and release them in the spring to approved waterways.  

What is more fun than fish?

The faculty is very enthusiastic about this project, ready to assemble the gear and complete test runs prior to the eggs arrival (not for several weeks yet!).  Our efforts to be prepared for the trout eggs are reminiscent 
of first-time parents; checking and re-checking all of the equipment to make certain things are just-so before the little ones arrive. 

Students in 7th and 8th grade were more than happy to learn about these native fish and also prep the equipment for assembly.  

An added bonus to the Trout in the Classroom (TIC) project for North East:  the 8th grade is also involved in an annual stream study utilizing the stream the trout will be release into in the spring.  Not only are the students learning about various chemical tests to gauge the water quality, they are also including assessment on the biological health by monitoring the macroinvertebrate population.  The water chemistry tests include phosphates and nitrates, dissolved oxygen, coliform bacteria, pH, and turbidity.  The results of these test will be posted on www.erieconservation.com as the data is reported.  What a great connection to monitor the health of the very stream that the trout will be released into in a few short months!

We will be posting activities as soon as the eggs arrive!

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